a girlfriend of mine recently decided to do a juicing fast for about 7-10 days, and she would randomly put updates on facebook about how it was going. I decided it was a great idea, but Ididn't have a juicer. last Sunday night, though, Brad and I were at his parents house and I remembered that his Mom had a juicer (side note, his mom beat ovarian cancer 6 years ago by doing all natural treatments in Mexico at a clinic that wasn't FDA approved - no money in it, ha - and it included doing lots and lots of juicing). I asked if I could borrow it, and a few hours later I was at Wal Mart picking out tons of fruit and veggies.
At first I thought I would juice exclusively for 3 days, but after almost wrecking on the drive home from work due to extreme hunger, I decided to just juice for breakfast and lunch and eat salads for dinner.
That lasted for 2 days. So now I'm juicing breakfast and lunch and eating veggies and fruits in between whenever I get hungry. I'm not gonna lie...I don't feel any better. Maybe it's cause I'm still drinking a cup of coffee in the morning? I don't know. Maybe it takes a while to see the benefits of it, who knows. All I know is, I'm starving most of the time, and when I'm starving, I'm cranky.
In other news, my sister-in-law got married a couple weeks ago! She was a beautiful, beautiful bride. Here's a picture of me, Marie (the bride), my sister-in-law Leah (brown hair) and Brad's Mom, and also Halle, Leah's daughter (the flower girl. She was my flower girl, too!)
picture via Wonderful Life Photography

I would like to add, I had approximately 7 minutes to get ready for this picture (I did all the photos besides the ceremony & family/wedding party photos), hence the icky hair! I did not wear it like that for the wedding :)