Thanks be to God, Brad and I were able to take a little "babymoon" this week down to Florida, just the two of us. So far we've been shacked up in his Aunt and Uncle's condo-on-the-beach, spending our days doing literally nothing. We sleep in, get up and have a lazy breakfast on the balcony [which overlooks the beach. It's amazingly perfect.] Then we make our way down to the beach where we camp out for most of the day, although after spending all day Monday in the sun and both of us ending up with varying degrees of sunburn - DESPITE using SPF50 all day long, a hundred times a day - we've now decided to sit out of the sun during the "high heat" of the day. That's what we did today and it seemed to help a ton - we're both nicely tan but with no burns. Seriously an accomplishment!
Our nights have been spent pretty lazily, too. My dad and stepmom came to visit over the weekend, so we mainly spent our time with them. Last night we took a long walk down the beach. Tonight we went to Target and started on our Baby Registry. Who knows what we'll do tomorrow!
In baby news, I started reading the Baby Wise book. My personality is always going to be drawn to things that encourage structure and routine, and that's definitely what this book promotes. However, I'm also extremely aware that babies do their own thing and in the beginning, you fit into their world rather than the other way around. However, I do intend to try it out. Any other recommendations on baby books would be much appreciated!
One of these days I'm going to do a post titled "Being Pregnant: What Nobody Ever Told Me". It will be a good one, all about clothes, your body, expectations, etc...Let's just say, I can't WAIT to meet this baby and while I do love my little (or not so little, if you've seen my recent 20 week post over at my baby blog immeasurably more) belly, I think the honeymoon phase of pregnancy is O-V-E-R. Good thing I only have 19 weeks left, huh.
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