This post is gonna be one big FAIL because I have zero, zilch, nada pictures to share of our holidays. WOMP WOMP. But to be perfectly was a pretty unremarkable year, celebration-wise. Brad and I didn't exchange gifts, really, I bought myself a vest from Land's End and I think he's buying some jeans or something, and then in a few weeks we're heading out of town for a little getaway that's going to be our "Christmas present."
As far as Hadley goes, she did alright. Who knows how it will change over the years but Brad and I firmly believe that we don't want to instill in her that Christmas is about "things" - I grew up this way and experience major disappointment each Christmas now, if you want to know the honest truth. We will always buy her gifts, of course, but we won't be spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on her (or any of our children). This Christmas we bought her three books, a couple Melissa and Doug toys, bubble bath and bath crayons and that's it. And let me tell you...the girl was MORE THAN HAPPY with just the wrapping paper so that right there is reason enough to not blow all our money on toys. She also got some nice things from her grandparents, like a baby doll and baby stroller (that by the way, she wedged herself into last week and I almost called the fire dept when we nearly couldn't get her out) and a VTech car that converts into a scooter. One of the most thoughtful gifts she received was an antique rocking horse that Brad's aunt restored by hand painting it, adding hair and stamping her name on it.
Even though I didn't get pictures we did a video of Hadley opening gifts from her Grandma and Grandpa, it was kinda cute cause she got a blanket that her Grandma made for her and all she wanted to do was play "Peek a Boo" with it...girl loves attention!
So! That was Christmas. It was a nice couple days but extremely busy (I felt like I was in the kitchen cooking the entire time that we weren't at gatherings or having people over).
Tonight Brad and I are going on a MUCH NEEDED date - seriously, I can't remember the last time just me and him went out. I am so excited to fix my hair, put on some makeup and a pretty top and hold his hand and flirt and not have to worry about my child screaming at the top of her lungs or throwing toys or trying to climb out of the high chair. Thank ya Jesus!!!
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