Hello 2018!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Hard to believe it's been over two years since I wrote on my little blog here!  Even though blogging appears to have gone by the wayside, I always loved being able to document my daily life.  I can't tell you how many times I've gone back to my old blogs (yes, plural - I've had a few over the years!) to read about this or that - mostly looking back at my pregnancy and monthly stats with Hadley!

Jumping in, we've added a new member to our family!  Our second daughter, Harper, was born in May last year.  We had quite the journey - and story - to her joining our family, which I can't wait to share about.  Otherwise, everything is about the same as it was the last time I wrote, ha!  But I'll update anyway.

Brad is still working in the building industry.  He has developed such an amazing style and has a super sharp eye for design.  He's recently started building his first "spec" house (a house that we'll sell when it's done) and I can't wait to see it when it's all said and done.  It's pretty unique for the area we live in and I think it will sell quickly.  Speaking in faith :)

Hadley is 5 years old and Lord, is she something.  I've never met a sweeter child.  She started Kindergarten this year and even though she complains pretty often about going, she seems to like it alright once she's there!  She's smart as a whip and I'm amazed at how quickly things get pieced together in her mind.  She's still our girly girl that loves to play outside, rough house with her daddy, and now hold her sister (and occasionally boss her around, despite it falling on deaf ears, lol).

Harper just turned 7 months old, I've nicknamed her "bear cub" cause she's just a persistent, temperamental little sweetie pie :)  She's not as chunky as Hadley was (I'm breastfeeding Harper whereas Hadley was on formula), but she's still got some sweet chunk to her that makes her so fun to hold and squeeze.  She is a total - TOTAL - Mama's girl, hates taking naps and has about a 10 minute tolerance for any activity (besides being held by Mom).  Basically she's rocking my world but dang if I don't have this crazy amount of grace and love for her, anyway.

As for me....I'm totally "at home" with the girls now.  I am working a few times a month as a bookkeeper for a local business and am a consultant for Beautycounter, but otherwise my heart and attention is for my girls.  We're pretty involved in our church and I recently helped start our women's ministry, which I never thought I'd love doing but here I am.  They're the most amazing, supportive women and they've made my cold, church-disliking heart love them :)  I volunteer in Hadley's class once a week.  Harper and I visit a local nursing home once a week as well (seriously if you have a baby and time on your hands,  do it!  You would die at how it blesses them).  Otherwise, you can find me cleaning my house or nursing the baby, ha!

I have no clue where this little blog of mine will go, but at any rate, I hope you'll read along!

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