5 On Friday

Friday, May 31, 2013

I'm linking up again with these sweet ladies for "5 On Friday" - A. Liz Adventures, Carolina Charm, Hello! Happiness and [the good life blog].  Check them out!

1 - My first week as a stay-at-home-mom was so, so good.  SO good.  I had a clean house all week, laundry is all done for the weekend, and best of all, I was able to spend whatever time I wanted with Hadley without feeling guilty or feeling a pressure that it was time that I would have to make up, work-wise, at some point.  I do find myself at the end of every day asking, "Okay, what did I get done today?" and then going through a checklist of kitchen cleaned, laundry, baby food making, special projects, etc.  My only "downtime" has been while Hadley has been napping and I use that to blog or check FB, or fold laundry and watch Mad Men :)  Otherwise I'm staying busy.  The best kind of busy!

2 - So, my Christmas gift this year:

A Starbucks Verismo, similar to a Nespresso (I think it was designed like the Nespresso but more budget friendly?) Anyway, I was super excited to get this and at first was a little dismayed at the pricey cost of the coffee and espresso pods - $13 for a box of 12 pods.  But now it's just got me ticked off.  First of all, I can't buy the pods locally, so I either have to order them online or drive an hour and a half to buy them.  Second of all, after spending $35 to buy 3 boxes that last for a month and a week - and that's only drinking one cup per day - I just feel like it's becoming a nuisance to keep myself stocked, especially now that I'm trying to lower our unnecessary expenses.  And as much as I love popping the pod in and having my one cup made in 30 seconds, I do sometimes miss a hot pot of coffee brewing and being able to have as many cups as I want!  So....I'm buying a coffee pot ASAP.

3 - There is nothing cuter than a baby in short shorts.  Nothing.  Look at those rolls!  Note to self...I think it's time to clean the carpet, as that rug is supposed to be a light tan, ha!

4 - I'm so sad my TV shows are over for the season.  I got sucked into Hart of Dixie and Nashville, and they're both over until the fall.  In the meantime I've been watching Mad Men, which is about as dramatic as I can take a TV show.  I'm a fan of lighthearted TV watching and reading.  So I'm welcome to any recommendations!

5 - In a couple weeks Chris Cagle is playing a festival not too far from where I live, so I've already arranged for Hadley to have her first overnight stay at her Auntie's so Momma can really enjoy herself!  I'm a big fan of his music....cheesy looks aside (sorry, but he does have a cheesy look, right?  Maybe it's just the photo)

1 comment:

  1. We have similar sentiments on the coffee pods. I had a Tassimo a few years ago and got tired of hunting down the expensive pods. And although they're all good in their own way, they never taste like a fresh pot of brewed coffee. They always had a funny taste to me. I switched back to a regular ole coffee maker when my Tassimo broke and I'm so glad I did.


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